made, by Dad, with butter, pipe-smoke and an absence
of everyone else.
Maybe the most beautiful cinematography I've ever seen. Frank Griebe, who also shot such films as Run Lola Run, can make anything look exquisitely beautiful. Innate beauty, and the freedom inside all of us that beauty delineates, is central to the story here. It's what lets love happen, it's what lets life continue even when death is all around. Masterful acting, excellent writing, a tender score... what more do you need? Not your average movie. But quite an experience. A slow chase movie, a quiet thriller, a gentle love story.
Croquet is varnished wooden pieces peeled, worn, greyed and split by summer rains, wire and wood pieces lost in overgrown grasses, toes cut or stubbed when the pieces are found by oblivious bare feet in shadowed, still-uncut lawns at summers' ends.
Cricket is something else.