01 November 2014


  • A specious woman. I'd never thought people could be termed specious. But there's one I saw today, an actress, whose every move was false. It shocked me, seeing it against the backdrop of the false world in which she played. If falseness stood out in a skilled actress, I thought, it must be a character trait...
  • Give me a rebel anyday...
  • Our arts, our highest-skilled achievements, are constructed from imperfections. Our broken natures, fought against, and finally embraced, through practice...
  • Investing time and effort in things that benefit others... oh, there are only a few people for whom this feels right for me, right now...
  • Texture. That's our ("our" meaning all of life and the universe) brokenness, close up. It's our quantum-ness, our unique potentials, viewed at a fine level of granularity. And it's essential to all the arts...